Florist: Laine Moire
Photography: Ellie Malynn
Venue: Nicollet Island Pavilion
Planning: Ashley Skeie | Wedding & Event Planning
Hair: Hair on Earth
Make-up: E.K.Beauty
Dress: A & Be Bridal
DJ: Rock with U
Videography: Dan West Films
Catering: Mintahoe
Dessert: Birchwood Cafe
Live Painter: Cane Toad Studios
Rentals: Rudy's Event Rentals
Accommodations: Nicollet Island Inn
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#fullservice #floraldesign #bridalbouquet #boutonniere #corsage #minnesota #minneapoliswedding #MNbride #nicolletislandpavilion #whiteandblue #fallwedding #customdecor #overheadfloralarrangement #naturalwedding #copper #industrial #arbordecor #weddingarbor #bluewedding #navyandcopper #stumpvases #flowerwand #mnbridefeaturewedding